美国V视高娓娓专访:中华全球洪门联盟总会刘会进会长(图+文+视频 中英双语)
0 2024-05-08

美国V视高娓娓专访:中华全球洪门联盟总会刘会进会长(图+文+视频 中英双语)


Hongmen, an organization full of mystery. In many people's minds, Hongmen is associated with gangs, even the underworld. But did you know? Hongmen also has another name—The Heaven and Earth Society.


The Hongmen, also known as The Heaven and Earth Society, originated in the late Ming and early Qing dynasties. Its purpose has always been to: overthrow the Qing dynasty, expel the Manchu invaders, restore China, and redistribute land rights. Throughout significant historical events such as pacifying the rebellion in Xilu, the burning of the Shaolin Temple, the Battle of Huanghuagang, the Wuchang Uprising, the Xinhai Revolution, and many more, the Hongmen played crucial roles. Countless Hongmen revolutionaries upheld the spirit of loyalty and righteousness, sacrificing their lives and shedding blood for the country, making significant contributions and exerting profound and lasting influences on society.



To this day, the global membership of the Hongmen totals 20 million people. Not only does it wield considerable influence in mainland China, but its branches also span across the globe, with many branches registered as legal organizations.


Today, we would like to introduce Mr. Liu Huijin, the current leader of the contemporary Hongmen and the President of the Chinese Global Hongmen Alliance.


In 1978, he joined the Hongmen in Taiwan. In 1999, he succeeded as the third Chief of Wushengshan, the headquarter of Chinese Hongmen, becoming the first commoner Chief to ascend the mountain wearing straw sandals in the history of Hongmen. In 2004, he established the Global Hongmen Alliance, earning him the title of a legendary figure in the media.


Let's delve into the life story of this legendary figure and the 350-year history of the Hongmen behind him.


美国V视 高娓娓:

MGM Weiwei Gao:


When it comes to the Hongmen, many people think of it as a gang, and some even consider it part of the underworld. Why do so many people see the Hongmen as a violent gang involved in crime?


Mr. Liu Huijin, President of the China Global Hongmen Alliance:


The Hongmen is a society that has been oppressed, slandered, and demonized by the Qing government, but we have no voice. So many people misunderstand us and think we are a gang or part of the underworld, which is incorrect. In fact, we are a grassroots patriotic organization. The Hongmen has made many contributions to the rise of the Chinese people and nation, and we are well-known within the Chinese community.


高娓娓Weiwei Gao:


So, what significant influence does the Hongmen have internationally?

刘会进会长President Liu:


Since its establishment by Chen Jinnan in Xiangyang, Hubei Province, in 1674, the Hongmen has flourished for 350 years. Currently, there are nearly 20 million Hongmen brothers worldwide. These 20 million Hongmen brothers are pillars of society in every region and country, leading various sectors and promoting the spirit of loyalty and righteousness upheld by the Hongmen.


Apart from its influence within the Chinese community, the Hongmen also has an impact worldwide. Many governments in various regions attach great importance to the Hongmen. For instance, in Indonesia, we have appointed the Indonesian king as the honorary president of our Global Hongmen Alliance, and the Indonesian king has also incorporated us into his royal family, elevating the status of the Hongmen in Indonesia. On the 20th anniversary of our inauguration at Wushengshan in China, the First Lady of Thailand, along with her husband, the Deputy Prime Minister, the Minister of Foreign Affairs, and two generals, personally attended our event in Taiwan, China. Additionally, I was invited by the United Nations to deliver a 20-minute presentation on the history and culture of the Hongmen.


In other words, the development of our Hongmen in recent years has garnered widespread attention from every country around the world.




高娓娓Weiwei Gao:


Everyone is curious, does the mysterious Hongmen organization really have street code signs and such? What about secret rituals, rules, organizational structure, internal hierarchy, application requirements, and initiation ceremonies?


刘会进会长President Liu:

(洪门兄弟见面握手的时候)食指是弯曲的,(代表)洪门的三把半香,这就是洪门的暗号,就是忠义香、仁义、侠义,那么三把半香, 那么对方也弯曲,我们就知道是自己人,在拉拐子(见面)的时候,也表现出了对方在洪门的位阶,他的阶级是内八堂或者是外八堂的阶级。以此作为识别,你是否为洪门兄弟,也作为你是不是真的洪门,假的洪门,或者是山寨洪门。

When Hongmen brothers meet and shake hands, the index finger is bent, representing the three-and-a-half incense sticks of Hongmen, which symbolize loyalty, benevolence, and chivalry. So, when both parties bend their index fingers, it signifies that they are part of the same group. During this encounter, the hand gesture also reveals the other person's rank within the Hongmen, whether they belong to the inner or outer halls. This serves as a means of identification to ascertain whether someone is a genuine Hongmen member or an imposter.


These hand signals and etiquette during meals have become integral aspects of Hongmen culture.


The Hongmen is divided into the Inner Eight Halls and the Outer Eight Halls. Those who initially join the Hongmen start with the Outer Eight Halls and gradually ascend to the Inner Eight Halls.


Joining the Hongmen is very rigorous. You must have a sponsor, who will also find a Hongmen brother to act as your guarantor. Then, a teacher will instruct you in Hongmen culture and etiquette. Once everything is in order, there will be a formal incense hall ceremony presided over by qualified individuals. During this ceremony, you will take a solemn oath in the Hall of Loyalty and Righteousness, pledging to abide by the tenets of the Hongmen. Only after taking this oath are you considered a formal member of the Hongmen.


Joining the Hongmen is a lifelong commitment; one cannot withdraw.

高娓娓Weiwei Gao:


What is the relationship between the Heaven and Earth Society, the Triads, the Pao-ge-lao Society, the Little Sword Society, and the Hongmen in Chinese history? It is said that they all originated from the Hongmen. Is this true?

刘会进会长President Liu:


During the Kangxi Dynasty, which was very powerful, the Hongmen couldn't challenge it directly. So, it was dispersed, leading to the emergence of groups like the Qing Gang, the Heaven and Earth Society, and the Three Dots Society, which spread throughout mainland China to protect the Hongmen. However, their core purpose remained the same: overthrowing the Qing dynasty, expelling the Manchu invaders, restoring China, and redistributing land rights.

高娓娓Weiwei Gao:


The Hongmen reform proposal you mentioned: legalization, corporatization, globalization, and public welfare. How would you implement it specifically?


刘会进会长President Liu:


On April 10, 1999, in Kaohsiung, Taiwan, I assumed the position of Chief of Wushengshan, the headquarters of the Chinese Hongmen. Based on decades of experience within the Hongmen, I believed it was necessary for the organization to transition from a gang-like entity to a social welfare group. After six years, I felt the timing was right for reform. I advocated for modernization, emphasizing corporatization, philanthropy, institutionalization, globalization, legalization, and alignment with contemporary values. Without corporatization, an organization lacks resources and must rely entirely on others, making sustainability difficult.




So, society expects us to move away from the gang-like structure. Therefore, once we have the strength, we must take care of the weak. As for globalization, we need to establish friendly and reciprocal relationships with Hongmen organizations worldwide. Only then can our influence endure and grow.


Another aspect is institutionalization. In our activities within the Hongmen, we must demonstrate that we are an organized and disciplined group.


Furthermore, governments around the world hope that every organization operates legally and abides by the rules. Therefore, the Hongmen must take the lead in adhering to local laws and regulations in every region and country, from opposing the Qing dynasty to restoring China to fighting against aggression and saving the nation.


高娓娓Weiwei Gao:


The Hongmen aims to keep pace with the times. What do you believe is the historical mission of the Hongmen today?

刘会进会长President Liu:


We are a grassroots patriotic organization that loves our country, our nation, and our society. From our establishment in 1674 until now, with 350 years of history, and with 20 million Hongmen brothers worldwide, a country's strength depends on the integrity of its territory. Therefore, the global Hongmen has always hoped for peace across the Taiwan Strait.


高娓娓Weiwei Gao:


Looking ahead, Mr. President, what do you envision for our future?

刘会进会长President Liu:


The road ahead will be very challenging because the Hongmen has so many brothers worldwide. It's essential for everyone to unite and be of one mind. In advocating for the reform of the Hongmen, we have already gained the support of the vast majority of Hongmen brothers worldwide. Therefore, we hope that in the future, we can implement the reform of the Hongmen in every corner and region of the world.


结语:在21世纪的今天,中华全球洪门联盟提出了洪门维新,新时代 新形象 新洪门 新使命口号,改革创新,升级洪门。

Conclusion: In the 21st century, the Chinese Global Hongmen Alliance has proposed the reform of the Hongmen, introducing a new era, a new image, a new mission, and a new slogan. Reform, innovation, and elevating the Hongmen.