纽约高中生郝希铭获Leading Capital Partners10万美元投资,打造《超级推销员》互联网项目 New York High School Student Hao Ximing Secures $100,000 Investment from Leading Capital Partners for His Internet Project Super Salesperson
美东时间2024年11月25日,自古英雄出少年,纽约这座永远充满激情与梦想的城市,又迎来了崭新的一天。18岁的纽约高中生郝希铭带着他的创业项目《超级推销员》,成功获得华尔街著名投资机构Leading Capital Partners 10万美元的天使轮投资。
On November 25, 2024, Eastern Standard Time, a new chapter of youthful innovation unfolds in the ever-vibrant city of New York. Eighteen-year-old New York high school student Ximing Hao has successfully secured $100,000 in seed funding from the renowned Wall Street investment firm Leading Capital Partners for his entrepreneurial project, Super Salesperson.
Ximing Hao, a senior at Jericho School District in New York, has been deeply influenced by his family business from an early age, accumulating rich experience in marketing and a natural talent for business. By ninth grade, he was already helping his family business penetrate the New York market. Through his extensive involvement in marketing, Hao identified critical pain points and new opportunities for a lot of enterprises, such as the challenges of quickly finding suitable distributors, breaking into statewide supermarket chains, and implementing more effective promotional strategies—issues that often hinder enterprises growth.
In the summer of 2024, Hao officially launched his internet-based marketing assistance platform, Super Salesperson. The platform brings together elite sales professionals across various industries in the U.S., positioning them as “superheroes” of marketing. These experts leverage their professional expertise and client networks to help SMEs quickly recruit distributors or establish partnerships with supermarket chains across the country, creating a win-win solution.
During a project presentation, Hao vividly shared the inspiration behind his entrepreneurial journey. Recalling his childhood, he spoke about his father’s tireless efforts as an entrepreneur, working relentlessly to market high-quality products. Despite their superior quality, Hao noted, selling the products in a competitive market was no easy task. Witnessing his father’s struggles deeply moved him and sparked his determination to create effective marketing solutions for enterprises.
“Seeing my father work day and night to find the right market for great products made me realize that many enterprises face the same challenges,” Hao said. “That’s why I founded the Super Salesperson platform—to help enterprises find distributors and partners more efficiently and expand their market reach.”
他的这番话打动了在场的投资者和嘉宾,大家纷纷表示对这个项目充满信心和期待。Leading Capital Partners总裁Bill Liu表示,Leading Capital Partners专注于发现和支持青年创新创业项目的投资,《超级推销员》项目非常符合Leading Capital Partners的投资方向。Bill Liu曾服务于摩根士丹利和黑石等全球知名投资机构,拥有丰富的投资经验。他认为《超级推销员》项目创意独特、实操性强、非常接地气,是一个对社会和企业都非常友好的投资项目。他对郝希铭的创新和务实工作精神表示高度赞赏,认为该项目有望成为下一个亚马逊或阿里巴巴。
Hao’s words resonated deeply with the investors and attendees, who expressed confidence and high expectations for the project. Bill Liu, President of Leading Capital Partners, noted that the firm focuses on identifying and supporting innovative projects led by young entrepreneurs. He described Super Salesperson as perfectly aligned with their investment goals.
With extensive experience at global investment giants Morgan Stanley and Blackstone, Liu praised the project for its unique creativity, practicality, and relevance, calling it a socially and commercially beneficial investment. He expressed admiration for Hao’s innovative and pragmatic approach, suggesting that the project has the potential to become the next Amazon or Alibaba.
艾利德律师事务所CEO Colin Miao也表示,郝希铭的创业动机令人感动。郝希铭在童年时目睹了父辈创业和经营的艰辛,深知好产品易做,销售却更难。因此,他立志通过《超级推销员》平台,解决企业在销售和招商过程中面临的难题。
Colin Miao, CEO of iLead Law Firm, also commended Hao’s entrepreneurial motivation, stating that Hao’s first-hand understanding of the challenges faced by his father’s generation of entrepreneurs led to his commitment to solving sales and distribution problems for enterprises through the Super Salesperson platform.
双方举行了签约仪式。Leading Capital Partners表示,将持续关注《超级推销员》项目,并在适当的时候追加投资,以帮助其发展壮大,助力更多企业走向成功。
The event concluded with a signing ceremony. Leading Capital Partners pledged ongoing support for Super Salesperson and expressed readiness to provide additional funding when needed to help the platform grow, empowering more enterprises to achieve success.
此次投资不仅是对郝希铭创业梦想的肯定,更展示了年轻一代的创新精神和无穷潜力。Leading Capital Partners致力于为更多优秀的青年创业者提供支持和平台,共同推动商业创新和社会进步。随着《超级推销员》项目的发展,未来必将助力更多企业实现飞跃,谱写新的商业奇迹。
This investment is not only a recognition of Hao’s entrepreneurial dream but also a testament to the innovative spirit and immense potential of the younger generation. Leading Capital Partners remains committed to supporting outstanding young entrepreneurs, driving business innovation and social progress. As Super Salesperson evolves, it is poised to help countless enterprises leap forward, writing a new chapter in the history of commerce.